Master of Public Policy

A woman in braids and a yellow sweater writes on a whiteboard in a small classroom

The Master of Public Policy (MPP) program at the Trachtenberg School prepares students to dig deep into the data and the details as they explore the theories behind the public policy that shapes our governments and our world.

In addition to core coursework, MPP and MPA students choose a field of study tailored to their unique interests and career objectives, either from the list of pre-approved options or designed in consultation with an advisor. All master's students at TSPPPA also complete a capstone project for a client of their choosing.

Join the Graduate Programs Open House: October 21–November 1

Registration is now open for GW's Columbian College of Arts and Sciences (CCAS) Graduate Programs Open House! The event features program-specific information sessions and opportunities to interact with current graduate students, faculty and our admissions team.

TSPPPA will host virtual information sessions for prospective graduate students on Wednesday, Oct. 23 at 12 p.m. and Wednesday, Oct. 30 at 12 p.m. EDT. Attendees will receive an application fee waiver.

Registration and Details

Program Highlights

Button featuring an image of 3 people to highlight the interdisciplinary education

Interdisciplinary Education

Learn to think clearly and analytically about social and economic problems and public policy. Throughout the program, you will practice and apply what you learn to ensure you gain substantive knowledge.

Button with an hourglass icon to show students are generalists and experts

Be a Generalist/Expert

Master the skills and theories needed to succeed in professional positions in a wide variety of organizations and use your field of study to dig deep into the areas that most interest you.

A green map "You are Here" button

Choose Your Own Adventure

Be prepared to work in all levels of government, private business, research institutes, think tanks, nonprofit organizations, community advocacy groups, foundations, and professional and trade associations.


Lauren Coughlin

“At TSPPPA, you will study under the most experienced and well-connected public policy minds in D.C., and the staff, especially in the Career Center, will do everything in their power to help you reach career success and enable you to build a lateral network with your colleagues."

Lauren Coughlin
MPP '20

MPP Course Requirements

The following requirements must be fulfilled:

The general requirements stated under Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, Graduate Programs.

40 credits, including 19 credits in required core courses, 6 credits in tools courses, a minimum of 9 credits in a policy field, and 6 credits in elective courses.

Policy core
PPPA 6000Perspectives on Public Values
PPPA 6002Research Methods and Applied Statistics (taken for 3 credits)
PPPA 6007Microeconomics for Public Policy I
PPPA 6008MPA/MPP Capstone
PPPA 6011Politics and Policy Analysis
PPPA 6013Regression Methods for Policy Research
PPPA 6014Microeconomics for Public Policy II
Tools of analysis
Two courses selected from the following:
PPPA 6005Public Budgeting, Revenue, and Expenditure Analysis
PPPA 6015Benefit-Cost Analysis
PPPA 6016Public and Nonprofit Program Evaluation
PPPA 6020Decision Modeling for Public Policy
PPPA 6021Data Visualization
PPPA 8022Econometrics for Policy Research
PPPA 8023Mixed Methods in Research Design
Field of study/electives
Students must complete a policy field of at least 9 credits. The remaining 6 credits required for the degree may be taken in that field or they may be used as electives to, e.g., include additional tools courses or courses in other fields in their program of study.

Fields of Study for MPA and MPP Degrees

Each MPA and MPP student selects a field of study consisting of at least three courses (9 credits). Many students select one of the fields listed below. Others design their own individualized field with consultation and approval of a substantively appropriate faculty advisor. For some fields of study, students can also earn a graduate certificate (at no additional cost). When you are ready to choose a field of study, complete the online Field of Study Declaration Form.

Budget and Public Finance (graduate certificate possible)

Field Advisor: Professor Joe CordesProfessor Lang Kate Yang

Courses in this field explore the theoretical and practical foundations of public budgeting. A concentration in this field will provide insight into the formulation and evaluation of public budgets, as well as the complex choices of economic reasoning in response to resource allocation. The courses in this field provide a background in budget policy and process, characteristics of public revenue and expenditure, and governmental accounting and financial reporting. This field is particularly suited for those who are, or envision becoming, budget analysts or financial management officers in public agencies at any level of government. With the permission of the field advisor, students may supplement these courses with courses in economics, accounting or other relevant disciplines.

Field Courses:

ACCY 6701  Government Accounting and Auditing
PPPA 6005  Public Budgeting, Revenue, and Expenditures*
PPPA 6014  Economics in Policy Analysis*
PPPA 6015  Benefit-Cost Analysis*
PPPA 6016  Public and Nonprofit Program Evaluation*
PPPA 6048  Financing State and Local Government
PPPA 6051  Governmental Budgeting
PPPA 6053  Financial Management in the Public Sector
PPPA 6055  Contracting Out and Public-Private Partnerships
PPPA 6085  Improving Government Operations

* Only permitted as a field course if not taken to satisfy a core requirement in the MPA or MPP degree.

MPA or MPP students with a field of study in Budget & Public Finance may also pursue the Certificate in Budget & Public Finance. Please see Joe Cordes for more details.

Education Policy

Field Advisors: Professor Stephanie CelliniProfessor Yas Nakib

The education policy field provides students with the necessary skills to analyze problems and policies related to major education policy issues at national, state and local levels in both K-12 and/or higher education. Topics covered in this field include school reform, urban education problems, student achievement, school finance and its equity, teacher quality and effectiveness, equal opportunity, accountability and access and attainment in higher education. The field of education policy is offered in close collaboration with the Education Policy Program in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development.

Recommended Courses (please consult a field advisor before taking field courses):

EDUC6100  Sociology of Education
EDUC 6314  History of American Education Reform
EDUC 6368  Power, Leadership & Education
EDUC 6371  Education Policy
EDUC 6381  Program Evaluation: Theory and Practice
EDUC 6388  Analysis of Education Policy Issues *
EDUC 6555  Higher Education Policy 
EDUC 8122  Qualitative Research Methods
EDUC 8321  Economics of Education *
EDUC 8322  Education Policy Implementation *
EDUC 8323  Policies of Education Equity *

PPPA 6085 Higher Education Finance and Policy

* These courses require Education Policy (EDUC 6371) as a prerequisite.  Education Policy introduces students to the basics of education policy-making (e.g., major education reforms; differences between federal, state and local education policies) and the conditions that promote and hinder the success of education policies. Students engage in analysis of major education reforms using the tools of policy analysis. For MPP and MPA students, equivalent courses that cover the tools of policy analysis, such as introductory public policy, policy analysis, and/or benefit-cost analysis are typically considered acceptable equivalents. Students who seek to waive out of EDUC 6371 must contact the field advising team during the first year of their program.

With the permission of a field advisor, students may supplement these courses with other relevant courses in relevant disciplines.

Environmental Policy

Field Advisors: Professor Rachel EmasProfessor Nina Kelsey

This field is designed to provide students with the tools needed to understand the causes of environmental and resource problems, the conflicts they generate, and the strengths and weaknesses of alternative policies for addressing them.

Students concentrating in Environmental Policy are required to complete 9 credits of field courses, of which one 3-credit course is required.  The other courses should be selected from the list below.  With the permission of the field advisor, students may apply other relevant courses at GW to their concentration in Environmental Policy.

Courses Satisfying the Environmental Policy Field of Concentration

PPPA 6066   Environmental Policy (Required)

ECON 6237  Economics of the Environment and Natural Resources
EMSE 6200  Policy Factors in Environmental and Energy Management
EMSE 6220  Environmental Management
EMSE 6235   Water Quality Management
EMSE 6245   Analytical Tools for Environmental Management
EMSE 6260   Energy Management
ENRP 6101  Environmental Sciences I
ENRP 6102  Environmental Sciences II
ENRP 6140  Introduction to Environmental Law
GEOG 6220   Climatic Change
GEOG 6243   Urban Geography
GEOG 6244   Urban Sustainability
GEOG 6293   Arctic Systems
GEOG 6304   Geographical Information Systems
IAFF 6138  Climate Change & Sustainable Development
IAFF 6151  Environmental Policy (International)
IAFF 6158  Climate Change and Energy Policy
IAFF 6186  Environmental Security
IAFF 6358  Energy and Environmental Policy in Latin America
IAFF 6378  Oil: Industry, Economy & Society
PHIL 6281   Environmental Philosophy and Policy
PUBH 6130  Sustainable Energy & Environmental Health (2 credits)
PUBH 6199  Global Climate Change & Air Pollution: Science, Impacts & Solutions (2 credits)
SMPP 6241  Global Corporate Responsibility

Health Policy

Field Advisors: Professor Anil NathanProfessor Sara Wilensky

The field in health policy covers a broad array of health issues, including assessing health and health needs, health planning, human resources development, financing health services, national health insurance, long-term care, women’s health and global health.  The field in health policy is offered in close collaboration with the Department of Health Policy in the Milken Institute School of Public Health. With the permission of the field advisor, students may supplement these courses with other relevant courses in relevant disciplines. To register for Milken School classes, you need to fill out an RTF form as per the instructions listed here.

Introductory Course:

PUBH 6012  Fundamentals of Health Policy (2 credits)
Note: Students with extensive education or work experience in health policy may waive out of PUBH 6012 with permission of a field advisor.

Recommended Courses:

PUBH 6320  Advanced Health Policy Analysis (3 credits)
PUBH 6325  Federal Policymaking and Advocacy (2 credits)
PUBH 6330  Health Services and the Law (3 credits)
PUBH 6335  Public Health and the Law (3 credits)
PUBH 6335  Comparative Health Policy (1 credit)
PUBH 6354 Substance Use Disorder Policy (2 credits)
PUBH 6356  State Health Policy (2 credits)
PUBH 6361  Health Workforce Policy (2 credits)
PUBH 6367  Population Health and Health Reform(2 credits)
PUBH 6368  Law, Medicine and Ethics (3 credits)
PUBH 6370  Medicare and Medicaid Law and Policy (2 credits)
PUBH 6374  Pharmaceutical Policy (2 credits)
PUBH 6378  HIV Policy in the U.S. (2 credits)
PUBH 6384  Health Care Quality and Policy (2 credits)
PUBH 6390 Prescription Drugs: Policy and Public Health (3 credits)
PUBH 6399  Health Impact Assessment (3 credits)
PUBH 6399 Cost-Benefit Analysis in Health Care (2 credits)
PUBH 6399 Reproductive Health Policy (2 credits)
PUBH 6399 Health Care on the Hill (1 credit) 
PUBH 6399 Emerging HP Issues in HC Finance (1 credit)
PUBH 6399 Health Care in Retail Settings (1 credit)
PUBH 6399 Value-Based Payment Reform (Spring and/or Summer, 2 credits)
PUBH 6400  Global Health Frameworks (2 credits)
PUBH 6535 Promotion of Mental Health (2 credits)
PUBH 6550 Maternal and Child Health I (3 credits)
PUBH 6551 Maternal and Child Health II (3 credits)
PUBH 6563 Global Child Health (2 credits)
PUBH 6599 Culture and Health (2 credits)
PPPA 6056  Regulatory Comment Clinic (3 credits)
ECON 6295  Applied Behavioral Economics (3 credits)
SOC  6268  Race, Gender and Class (3 credits)

Homeland Security and Emergency Management

Field Advisors: Professor Bill AdamsProfessor Joseph Barbera

Courses in this field explore the theory and practice in homeland preparedness and responsiveness to both man-made and natural disasters.  A concentration in this field will provide students with knowledge and skills related to homeland security policy formulation and implementation at the national, state and local governmental levels.  Courses in this field explore the human dimensions, such as leadership in complex networks, and legal, technical and organizational challenges in both preparedness and responses to disasters. With the permission of the field advisor, students may supplement these courses with other relevant courses in relevant disciplines.

Field Courses (at least one of the following):

EMSE 6305 Crisis and Emergency Management
EMSE 6350 Hazard Mitigation in Disaster Management

And at least 2 of the following courses:

EMSE 6300  Homeland Security: The National Challenge
EMSE 6305  Crisis and Emergency Management
EMSE 6310  Information Technology in Crisis and Emergency Management
EMSE 6315  Management of Risk and Vulnerability for Hazards and Terrorism
EMSE 6320  International Disaster Management
EMSE 6325  Medical and Public Health Emergency Management
EMSE 6330  Management of Terrorism Preparedness and Response
EMSE 6345  Organizational Continuity and Disaster Recovery Management
EMSE 6350   Hazard Mitigation in Disaster Management
EMSE 6992   Special Topics

International Development

Field Advisors: Professor Jennifer BrinkerhoffProfessor Joan Dudik-GayosoProfessor Robert Weiner

This field of study prepares students for careers in international development management and/or policy analysis. The field courses are listed in three groupings. The first set of classes focus on management issues and provide insight into the practical workings of the international development industry,(e.g., who the major players are, how they interact and how policy is made and implemented; and management approaches and challenges specific to the international development field, including specific development management tools and approaches). The second set focus on empirical and theoretical analysis of international development issues, policy areas important in development (e.g., education, health, environment/natural resources), or on cross-area issues (e.g., impacts of trade and investment on growth, rural/urban migration).  In addition, students are encouraged to explore course offerings—such as those in the third set—in the Elliott School of International Affairs and other departments, such as anthropology, international education, emergency management, geography and global health. Students may select any combination of nine credits from any of these lists or other courses if approved by the field advising team. But, it is recommended that they begin with PPPA 6057 (management track) and/or ECON 6250 (policy track). Note: In addition to a master degree, entry into an international development career typically requires overseas professional work experience.  If you are lacking this experience, please meet with a field adviser and/or career services early in your academic program to discuss this issue.

Recommended Management Courses:

ECON 6250  Survey of Development Economics
PPPA 6058  International Development NGO Management

Recommended Policy Courses:

ECON 6250  Survey of Development Economics
ECON 6294  Topics in International Development
IAFF 6138  Topics in International Development Studies
IBUS 6402  Managing in Developing Countries 

Other Relevant Courses:

ANTH 6301  Anthropology and Development
ECON 6280  Survey of International Economics
ECON 6283  Survey of International Trade Theory and Policy
ECON 6284  Survey of International Macroeconomics and Finance Theory and Policy
EDUC 6610  Policy Issues in International Education
EDUC 6601  International and Comparative Education
IAFF 6358  Migration, Remittances & Development
IAFF 6378  Oil: Industry, Economy, Society
PPPA 6015  Benefit-Cost Analysis
EUBH 6400  Global Health Frameworks

Managing State and Local Governments

Field Advisors: Professor Domonic Bearfield, Professor Mary Tschirhart

This field is designed for students interested in pursuing careers in state and local government administration. The field gives primary consideration to understanding the theoretical and practical implications of the political economy of state and local governments; to distinguishing among alternative structure and forms of local government, recognizing advantages and disadvantages; and to gaining an understanding of the problems that local governments face (particularly in urban areas), the policy options and the practical management considerations for resolving these problems. With the permission of the field advisor, students may supplement these courses with other relevant courses in relevant disciplines.

Field Courses:

FINA 6242  Problems in Real Estate Valuation
PPPA 6042 Managing State and Local Government
PPPA 6044 State Policy and Politics
PPPA 6048  Financing State and Local Governments
PPPA 6053  Financial Management in the Public Sector

National Security and Foreign Policy

Field Advisors: Professor Joseph CordesProfessor Bill Adams

The national security and foreign policy field encompasses policy-making for national security and foreign affairs, as well as conflict resolution and international security. Students can take courses covering the analysis of defense policies and programs, multilateral organizations and processes, the history of warfare and strategy, as well as courses providing an understanding of national and international security and foreign policy issues in the 21st century. Courses in the field also include the tools of national security policy, such as conflict management and multilateral diplomacy. Students specializing in this field examine these issues principally through courses in political science, history, economics and international affairs.

Recommended Courses:

IAFF 6163  Transnational Security
IAFF 6165  Fundamental of Intelligence
IAFF 6169  Homeland Security
IAFF 6173  Security and Development
IAFF 6521  U.S. Foreign Policy

IAFF 6160  Defense Policy and Program Analysis 

IAFF 6145 U.S. Space Policy

IAFF 6148 Space and National Security

IAFF 6171  Introduction to Conflict Resolution

IAFF 6118 Leadership in International Affairs

PSC 6346  Politics of U.S. Foreign Policy

Other courses in national security policy, energy security, military history or skill courses, like negotiating skills and international crisis diplomacy can also fulfill field requirements with advisor approval.

Nonprofit Management (graduate certificate possible)

Field Advisors: Professor Mary TschirhartProfessor Michael J. WorthProfessor Jasmine McGinnis-Johnson

This 12-credit field is designed for students preparing for careers in the management of nonprofit organizations. Courses encompass the governance, planning, management and evaluation of organizations and programs; strategies for the management of fundraising programs, charitable foundations and venture philanthropy; the role of advocacy organizations; international non-governmental organizations; and, policy issues related to the nonprofit sector and philanthropy in the United States and internationally.

Note that students in this field of concentration may also obtain a Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management concurrently with their master's degree, essentially double counting the 12-credits toward both the MPA or MPP and the certificate. Certain limitations apply. See the Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management page and contact Professor Michael Worth for more information.


The Nonprofit Management Field of Study requires that students complete twelve (12) credit hours in designated courses.

The field has two required courses and two elective courses.

Required Courses (2 courses, 6 credits):

PPPA 6031 Governing and Managing Nonprofit Organizations 
PPPA 6032  Managing Fundraising and Philanthropy
PPPA 6033  Nonprofit Enterprise

Elective Courses, Trachtenberg School (2 courses, 6 credits)
Students must choose two of the following courses (6 credits)

PPPA 6016  Public and Nonprofit Program Evaluation
PPPA 6032  Managing Fund Raising and Philanthropy (If not taken as a required course)
PPPA 6033  Nonprofit Enterprise (If not taken as a required course)
PPPA 6034  Managing Nonprofit Boards 
PPPA 6053  Financial Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations
PPPA 6055  Contracting Out and Public-Private Partnerships
PPPA 6058  International Development and NGO Management
PPPA 6063  Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact Investing
PPPA 6068 Leading Diverse and Inclusive Organizations

Elective Courses, Other GW Schools
(Students may choose 1 course, 3 credits from the following list):

ACCY 6701  Government and Nonprofit Accounting and Auditing
SMPA 6270  Advocacy
PUBH 6054  Community Engagement and Advocacy
MGMT 4900  Social Entrepreneurship that Matters
PMGT 6414  Lobbying

- A relevant TSPPPA Special Topics course approved by a field advisor
- A relevant course in another GW academic unit, approved by a field advisor


Some MPA or MPP students may have completed nonprofit management courses within their master’s degree program before applying to be dual-enrolled in the Graduate Certificate program. No more than 9 credits prior to enrollment in the certificate program can be applied to their certificate requirements. In other words, master’s degree students should apply and gain admission to the certificate program before registering for their fourth nonprofit course. 

For further information concerning academic requirements and content of the Graduate Certificate Program, contact Professor Michael Worth, certificate program director and Professor of Nonprofit Management.

Politics, Policy and Administration

Field Advisors: Professor Elizabeth RigbyProfessor Lori Brainard

The courses in this field help students acquire expertise at the intersection of politics, policy and administration. The field is designed for students to be able to work effectively across sectors, including the public, private, and civic sectors and at all levels of government (federal, state, local) as topics and skills within the field are transferable. Given the breadth of the field and career opportunities within it, we urge students to work with a field adviser to shape content to reflect their area of interest. For example, a student may wish to focus broadly on general political processes (executive and legislative) or administrative processes (regulation, contracting). Students might focus on a combination of political and administrative processes. Additionally, students might focus on advocacy, communication, civic engagement. For those coming directly from an undergraduate program, this field provides insight into several potential areas of public life, employment, and research. For mid-career public officials, this field is an opportunity to explore more systematically and analytically the political, policy, and administrative functions observed in practice, or to make a career shift to a different area of focus that uses their existing experience in the field. Students may supplement these courses with other relevant courses in relevant disciplines.

Recommended Courses:

PPPA 6042 Managing State and Local Government
PPPA 6060 Policy Formulation and Administration
PPPA 6072  Legislative Management and Congress
PPPA 6075  Law and the Public Administrator
PPPA 6055  Contracting Out and Public-Private Partnerships
PPPA 6056  Regulatory Comment Clinic

SMPA 6204  Strategic Political Communication
SMPA 6208  Politics and Public Relations Fundamentals 

DNSC 6261  Introduction to Project Management

PMGT 6403  Political Data and Analytics
PMGT 6410  Grassroots Engagement
PMGT 6414  Lobbying

SMPP 6202  Business-Government Relations
SMPP 6205  Business Representation and Lobbying

PUBH 6325  Federal Health Policymaking and Advocacy (2 credits)
PUBH 6399  Health Care on the Hill (1 credit)

Program Evaluation and Policy Analysis

Field Advisors: Professor Stephanie CelliniProfessor Kathryn Newcomer

This 9-credit field focuses on the processes and products of governmental decision making, with primary attention devoted to developing the ability to analyze and evaluate the ramifications of public policies and programs. This field is designed principally for student interested in careers as analysts or evaluators at any level of government – in quasi-public, nonprofit, or public interest organizations, or in research or consulting firms. Students will develop extensive quantitative and qualitative research and analysis skills from multiple disciplinary perspectives. Note that some classes listed are counted as core classes (or “tools of analysis”) in either the MPP or MPA programs. These can be applied as field courses only if they are not already counted as core requirements. With the permission of the field advisors, students may supplement or substitute these courses with other relevant courses in related disciplines.

Recommended Courses:

PPPA 6013  Regression Methods and Policy Research
PPPA 6014  Economics in Policy Analysis*
PPPA 6015  Benefit-Cost Analysis [pre-req: PPPA 6014]*
PPPA 6016  Public and Nonprofit Program Evaluation [pre-req: PPPA 6002]*
PPPA 6020  Decision Modeling for Public Policy [pre-req: PPPA 6002]
PPPA 6021  Data Visualization [pre-req: PPPA 6013]
PPPA 6085 Evidence-building in Government
PPPA 6085 Higher Education Finance and Policy
PPPA 6085 Improving Government Operations

DNSC 6274  Statistical Modeling and Analysis
DNSC 6276  Exploratory and Multivariate Data Analysis

ECON 6295  Applied Behavioral Economics
ECON 6340  Applied Labor Economics and Public Policy

EDUC 8122  Qualitative Research Methods

MGT 6215  Conflict Management and Negotiation

PPPA 8022  Econometrics for Policy Research II
PPPA 8023  Mixed Methods in Research Design

Public-Private Policy and Management

Field Advisors: Professor Chris CarriganProfessor Kathy Newcomer

Courses in this field explore the relationship between the public and private sectors, focusing on the interactions between the two sectors in such areas as contracting, consulting, partnerships, regulation, and privatization. Courses also will examine the global dimensions of these relationships and will include case studies and discussion to highlight important legal, policy, and management considerations, including decision-making and evaluation of public-private arrangements. The field is designed for those interested in the management and policy implications of these relationships. Given its breath, the courses listed below are provided only as examples of the types of offerings that might fulfill the requirements of the field. Those interested in pursuing a concentration in public-private policy and management should consult with the field advisors to develop an appropriate course plan.

Potential Courses:

PPPA 6055 Contracting Out and Public-Private Partnerships
PPPA 6056 Regulatory Comment Clinic
PPPA 6061 Banking and Financial Institutions Policy
PPPA 6062 Community Development Policy and Management
PPPA 6063 Policy Issues in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Impact Investing
PPPA 6075 Law and the Public Administrator
PPPA 6077 Government Transformation: New Outcomes
PPPA 6077/IBUS 6202 (PPPA 6085/IBUS 6297) Privatization, Nationalization, and Public-Private Partnerships
PPPA 6085 Innovation in the Public Sector

LAW 6500 Government Contracts
LAW 6503 Performance of Government Contracts

MGT 6215 Conflict Management and Negotiations

SMPP 6202 Business-Government Relations

Regulatory Policy

Field Advisors: Professor Susan DudleyProfessor Chris Carrigan

Regulation is an increasingly important mechanism by which the federal government sets policy.  This field explores regulatory theory, policy and practice and incorporates insights from various disciplines, including economics, political science, history, law, business, environmental, health and education policy.  Courses in this field explore the process by which regulations are developed and provide the analytical tools necessary for understanding the likely effects of alternative regulatory actions. They also examine the roles and motivations of parties involved in developing and implementing regulation, including Congress, regulatory agencies, the executive office of the president, state and local governments, private parties and non-governmental organizations. This field is particularly suited for students interested in formulating or influencing regulatory policy as policy analysts in federal agencies or in private sector or nonprofit organizations. With the permission of the field advisor, students may supplement these courses with other relevant courses in relevant disciplines.

Required Courses:

PPPA 6015  Benefit-Cost Analysis or equivalent*
PPPA 6056  Regulatory Comment Clinic

Recommended Courses:

PPPA 6061  Banking and Financial Institutions Policy 
PPPA 6066  Environmental Policy 
PPPA 6072  Legislative Management/Congress
PPPA 6075  Law and the Public Administrator OR another course on Administrative Law

ECON 6237  Economics of the Environment and Natural Resources

EMSE 6200  Policy Factors in U.S. Environmental and Energy Management

ENRP 6140  Environmental Law

FINA 6250  Securities Regulation and Financial Scandals

PUBH 6330  Health Services and Law 
PUBH 6123  Toxicology: Applications for Public Health
PUBH 6124  Problem Solving in Environmental and Occupational Health
PUBH 6122  Protecting Public Health and the Environment: Policies, Politics and Programs

SMPP 6202  Business-Government Relations

* Students may count PPPA 6015 either as part of the core (program evaluation or budgeting requirement) or as part of the Regulatory Policy field.  Students who count PPPA 6015 as part of the core should select two courses from the recommended list while students who count it as part of the field should select one course from the recommended list.

Science and Technology Policy

Field Advisor: Professor Nina KelseyProfessor Scott Pace

This 9-credit field explores the intersection between public policy and the role of science and technology in fostering economic and social progress. The field covers science policy across a range of topics including energy and the environment, space, information technology, and other science-driven fields. Key concepts include political, legal, and economic challenges in the design and implementation of science and technology policies and the effects of public policies in fostering entrepreneurship and incentivizing investments in research and development.

Students must take at least three courses from the list below, but may substitute other relevant courses in consultation with the field advising team.

Suggested courses:

ECON 6237  Economics of the Environment and Natural Resources
ECON 6255  Economics of Technological Change

ESME 6200  Policy Factors in Environmental and Energy Management

IAFF 6106  Nuclear Weapons
IAFF 6118  Nuclear Energy
IAFF 6118  Nuclear Security Policy
IAFF 6141  International Science, Technology and Public Policy
IAFF 6146  U.S. Space Policy
IAFF 6151 International Environmental Policy
IAFF 6152 International Energy Policy
IAFF 6153  Science/Technology & National Security
IAFF 6158  Issues in Space Policy
IAFF 6158  Space Law

ISTM 6224  Management of Technology and Innovation
ISTM 6233  Emerging Technologies

PPPA 6015  Benefit-Cost Analysis
PPPA 6140  Introduction to Environmental Law
PPPA 6066  U.S. Environmental Policy
PPPA 6069  Science and U.S. Policy
PPPA 8197   Science and Technology Policy

Social Policy

Field Advisors: Professor Dylan CongerProfessor Eiko Strader

Social policy includes a range of policy issues that address the well-being of individuals and of society, with a particular focus on causes and consequences of poverty and income inequality. Due to the breadth of topics in this field, students should consult with the field advisors to identify an appropriate mix of courses, drawn from offerings in the Trachtenberg School and other units in the University. In addition to the classes listed below, social policy students may be interested in field course in education, health, and/or urban policy, as well as courses in the PhD fields of race/ethnicity and/or gender policy.

Primary Field Courses (recommend taking at least one):

PPPA 6081  Poverty and Social Welfare Policy
WGSS 6265  Women, Welfare and Poverty

Other Recommended Courses:

PPPA 6056  Regulatory Comment Clinic
PPPA 6062  Community Development Policy
PPPA 6085   Comparative Public Policy
PPPA 6085   Issue in US Immigration Policy

ECON 6295  Applied Behavioral Economics

PHIL 6230  Ethical Issues in Policy Arguments
PHIL 6242  Philosophy, Law and Social Policy
PHIL 6232  Marx and Ethics 
PHIL 6262  Global Justice 
PHIL 6281  Environmental Philosophy and Policy 
PHIL 6290 Drug Policy 
PHIL 6290  Philosophy of Education and Education Policy

WGSS 6230  Global Feminism
WGSS 6238  Feminist Ethics and Policy Implications
WGSS 6240  Women and Public Policy
WGSS 6241 Gender, Law, & Politics

SOC 6248  Race and Urban Redevelopment
SOC 6252 Housing and Homelessness
SOC 6252 Issue in US Immigration Policy
SOC 6252 Racism, Anti-Racism, and Power
SOC 6258  Deviance and Control
SOC 6259  Criminology 
SOC 6260  Criminal Law
SOC 6260  Policing
SOC 6262  Punishment, Prisons, and Power
SOC 6268  Race, Gender and Class

Urban Policy

Field Advisors: Professor Leah Brooks

Urban policy is concerned with metropolitan areas broadly. What makes urban areas succeed? What makes them struggle? This track focuses on policies specific to these areas, including policies relating to land use, mass transportation, congestion, crime, fiscal capacity, poverty, inequality, unemployment, homelessness, racial and ethnic tension, sprawl, and other related concerns. With the permission of the field advisor, students may supplement listed courses with courses in relevant disciplines. Urban policy is concerned with metropolitan areas broadly. What makes urban areas succeed? What makes them struggle? This track focuses on policies specific to these areas, including policies relating to land use, mass transportation, congestion, crime, fiscal capacity, poverty, inequality, unemployment, homelessness, racial and ethnic tension, sprawl, and other related concerns. With the permission of the field advisor, students may supplement listed courses with courses in relevant disciplines

Recommended Courses:

GEOG 6243  Urban Geography
GEOG 6244  Urban Sustainability
GEOG 6304  Geographic Information Systems I

HIST 6001  Urban History

PPPA 6015  Benefit-Cost Analysis*
PPPA 6048  Financing State and Local Government
PPPA 6062  Community Development Policy & Management

SOC 6248  Race and Urban Redevelopment
SOC 6250  Urban Sociology
Any relevant Geography course by request.