Nina Kelsey

Nina Kelsey

Nina Kelsey

Director of the International Science and Technology Policy (ISTP) MA Program; Associate Professor of Public Policy and Public Administration and International Affairs


Email: Nina Kelsey
Office Phone: (202) 994-6615
1957 E Street NW Washington DC 20052

Nina Kelsey's research examines the role of interests in underpinning international environmental policy and negotiation. In particular, she focuses how changes to interests can occur over time, and how these changes shape policymaking. Her projects have looked at the role of feedback processes between policy and industry in explaining the differing outcomes of the international negotiations surrounding ozone and climate change, as well as the ongoing process of climate negotiations. Prior to joining the Elliott School, she was a postdoctoral scholar with the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society & the Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (Berkeley); and with Resources for the Future (DC).

Professor Kelsey holds a doctorate in Political Science from the University of California at Berkeley and a BS in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology from Yale University. Prior to entering academia she worked as a strategy consultant in the fields of high technology and telecommunications.

  • International Environmental Negotiations
  • International Environmental Politics and Policy
  • Renewable Energy Policy
  • Political Economy of Energy and the Environment

IAFF 6158  Renewable Energy in a Decarbonizing World

PPPA 6011  Introduction to Public Policy

Meckling, Jonas; Nina Kelsey, Eric Biber, John Zysman. "Winning Coalitions for Climate Policy: Green Industrial Policy Builds Support for Carbon Regulation." Science, vol. 349, #6253 (Sept 11, 2015).


Ph.D in Political Science; University of California, Berkeley

BS in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology; Yale University