The Hatfield Graduate Journal of Public Affairs

Call for Submissions

January 4, 2021

The Hatfield Graduate Journal of Public Affairs is accepting submissions for its Spring 2021 issue. A decision on each submission will be made within 30 days of submission. The following guidelines should be followed: 

• Title Page that includes: author(s) name, mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address 

• Brief abstract of 100-200 words 

• Brief biographic information per author not to exceed 200-words 

• Chicago Manual of Style formatting 

• All submissions must be original works that align with the scope of the journal 

• The maximum length of a submission should not exceed 5000-words including notes and tables/figures. 

OVERVIEW: The Hatfield Graduate Journal of Public Affairs is a graduate student-led academic journal of the Mark O. Hatfield School of Government in the College of Urban and Public Affairs at Portland State University. The journal features faculty, practitioner, and graduate student submissions that explore a range of public affairs issues. 

SCOPE: The Hatfield Graduate Journal of Public Affairs will include submissions under the following categories: original research articles, research briefs, critical responses to research, book reviews, field reports from practitioners, policy memos, review essays, and other forms of informative contribution. 

Please submit submissions at and email related questions to E-mail subject lines should include the author’s name and abridged title of the submission. 

DEADLINE: Accepting submissions until January 15, 2021 at 11:59pm.