Franklin Urteaga

Franklin Urteaga
MPA ’97, Co-Founder & CEO, Oigetit Fake News Filter
Franklin Urteaga knows what consumers want before they want it, and recognizes it before most people do. Most recently, Franklin introduced the “World’s First” Fake News Filter mobile app, OIGETIT (Oh, I Get It), to help fight the global epidemic of fake news. OIGETIT is Franklin’s 3rd start-up company, and once again, he is introducing another innovative Internet start-up to consumer allover the world, including the U.S., China, India, and the Middle East. OIGETIT uses its advanced Artificial Intelligence technology to providemobile phone users with the power “to instantly determine if the news they are reading is “Real or Fake” by using OIGETIT’s “Fake News Filter.”
As one of the few Americans in modern history, Franklin had the distinct privilege of working for 2 U.S. Presidents: Bill Clinton & Barack Obama. Franklin served 5 years at the White House during President Clinton’s Administration,working for the Deputy Chief to the President, and serving as a member of the prestigious White House Technology Working Group. During his time as a White House Innovation Advisor, Franklin worked on producing and supporting National Technology Programs for the United States, and launched one of the first Internet Demo Days at the White House.