Eiko Strader

Eiko Strader

Eiko Strader

Associate Professor of Public Policy and Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies


Email: Eiko Strader
Office Phone: (202) 994-0289
Fax: (202) 994-6792
801 22nd St. NW Washington DC 20052

Eiko  Strader is a sociologist who primarily studies gender inequality and public policy. Much of her work tries to understand how and under what conditions gender becomes relevant in predicting life chances. As part of her comparative research, Dr. Strader also studies the U.S. military because the Department of Defense provides extensive social benefits and strongly enforces Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) policies. Through her research and teaching, Dr. Strader aims to contribute to the progress towards a more equitable future. 

  • Graphic design
  • Listening to music
  • Sewing
  • Cooking (but not baking)

Editorial Board Member,
Public Administration Review, 2022~

Advisory Board Member,
Consortium of Race and Gender Scholars, 2021~

Award for Excellence in Graduate Faculty Mentoring,
Columbian College of Arts & Sciences, 2020

Advisory Board Member,
Institute for Intersectionality Equity Research and Policy, 2019~

Outstanding Full-Time Faculty Teaching Award,
The Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration, 2019

ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Awards in Social Sciences,
Council of Graduate Schools, 2018

Columbian College Facilitating Fund (CCFF), 2018

Secretary for the Early Career Network Special Interest Group,
Work Family Researchers Network, 2018~

Visiting research fellow at the Kahn Liberal Arts Institute, Smith College, 2012

Phi Kappa Phi, 2008

  • Inequality
  • Gender
  • Work
  • Welfare States
  • Military

WGSS2145: Space, Place & Gender Identity

WGSS6265: Gender, Welfare and Poverty

WGSS6299: Capstone Research

PPPA6006: Policy Analysis

PPPA8197: US Social Policy

Strader, Eiko and Margaret W. Smith. Forthcoming. "Some Parents
Survive and Some Don’t: The Army and the Family as “Greedy
Institutions." Public Administration Review.

Strader, Eiko. Forthcoming. "State Work-Family Contexts and the Wage
Gap by Gender and Parenthood." Family Relations.

Strader, Eiko. Forthcoming. "Demographics of Transgender People and
Healthcare Policies across the European Union” in the International
Handbook of the Demography of Transgender, Non-Binary, and Gender
Minority Populations, edited by Amanda Baumle and Sonny Nordmarken.
Springer Press.

Strader, Eiko, Jennifer Lundquist, and Rodrigo Dominguez-Villegas.
2021. “Warriors Wanted: The Performance of Immigrants in the US Army.”
International Migration Review. 55(2):382–401.

Strader, Eiko and Miranda Hines. 2020. "Will You Die for Your Country?
Workplace Death in an Era of Mass Incarceration." Sociological Forum.
35(4): 1206-1227.

Strader, Eiko, with Jennifer Hickes Lundquist and Devah Pager. 2018.
“Does a Criminal Past Predict Worker Performance? Evidence from
America’s Largest Employers.” Social Forces. 96(3): 1039-1068.

Strader, Eiko, and Joya Misra. 2018. “Poverty and Income Inequality.”
Pp. 385-408 in The Cambridge Handbook of Social Problems, Vol. 1,
edited by A. Javier Treviño. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University

Moller, Stephanie, Joya Misra, Elizabeth Wemlinger, and Eiko Strader.
2016. “Policy Interventions and Relative Incomes of Families with
Children by Family Structure and Parental Education.” Socius:
Sociological Research for a Dynamic World. 2: 1-28.

Strader, Eiko, and Joya Misra. 2015. “Anti-Poverty Policies and the
Structure of Inequality.” Pp. 259-267 in Routledge Handbook on Poverty
in the United States, edited by Haymes Stephen, Maria Vidal de Haymes,
and Reuben Miller. New York: Routledge.

Misra, Joya, and Eiko Strader. 2013. “Gender Pay Equity in Advanced
Countries: The Role of Parenthood and Policies. Journal of
International Affairs. 67(1): 27-41.

Moller, Stephanie, Joya Misra, and Eiko Strader. 2013. “A
Cross-National Look at How Welfare States Impact Inequality.”
Sociology Compass. 7(2): 135-146.

Misra, Joya, Stephanie Moller, Eiko Strader, and Elizabeth Wemlinger.
2012. “Family Policies, Employment and Poverty Among Partnered and
Single Mothers.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility.
30(1): 113-128.


PhD, Sociology, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2017
BS, Sociology, Boise State University (Magna Cum Laude), 2008